Evolving Sadhana, Directed by Yali McGregor E-RYT 1000

Evolving your Sadhana & Teaching Methods
25 Hours – Institute of Inner Source
2016/17 Dates: TBC
Cost: $450 + tax

Inspire confidence & facilitate self-development by learning how to guide others more progressive yoga postures using innovative teaching methods and leading to a deeper yoga practice for all.


Yield the benefits of your practice and teaching by learning, exploring and challenging the unification of the body, through progressive asana and the mind, through deep focus, pranayama and meditation. It is with a firm, stable foundation that we can open the body to refine and explore more complex postures, reviewing the foundations is the mastery to preparing for advanced learning.

We’ll refine how to observe the biomechanics of human movement and form with dedication and daily practice (sadhana), challenging asana sequencing and breathing techniques to support your own inquiry and your students into progressive, Intermediate/Advanced, postures. Working in focus groups, facilitating new ways to observe, teach and practice – meditating, strengthening and integrating your control of movement to new levels.